
Below are selected publications that involve Dr. Veilleux and TEMPT members, and provide some examples of the type of work conducted in the TEMPT lab (though note that we may have newer projects that are not yet reflected in the publications listed below).

+ denotes undergraduate TEMPT student
* denotes graduate TEMPT student

*Brott, K. C. H., & Veilleux, J. C. (in press). Examining state self-criticism and self-efficacy as factors underlying hopelessness and suicidal ideation. Suicide and LIfe Threatening Behavior.

Veilleux, J. C., *Clift, J. B., *Brott, K. C. H., *Warner, E. A., *Schreiber, R. E., *Henderson, H. M., & *Shelton, D. K. (in press). I’m so dumb and worthless right now: Factors associated with heightened momentary self-criticism in daily life. Cognition & Emotion.

Veilleux, J. C., *Schreiber, R. E., *Warner, E. A., *Brott, K. C. H. (in press). Development and validation of a brief version of the emotional reactivity scale: The B-ERS. Current Psychology.

+Heiland, A. M. & Veilleux, J. C. (in press). Improvements in distress tolerance via intervention: A review. Cognitive Therapy and Research.

Veilleux, J. C., *Higeura. D. E., *Warner, E. A., *Schreiber, R. E., *Brott, K. C. H., & *Clift, J. B. (in press). I can’t handle my desires: Development and validation of a self-report measure of desire intolerance and associations with distress intolerance. Psychological Assessment. doi: 10.1037/pas0001275

Veilleux, J.C., *Warner, E. A., *Chamberlain, K. D., *Brott, K. H., *Schreiber, R. E., & *Clift, J. B. (2023). Contextual variation in beliefs about emotion and subsequent emotion regulation efforts. Motivation and Emotion, 47, 308-322. doi:

*Henderson, H. M., Kane, S., Zabelina, D. L., & Veilleux, J. C. (in press). Creativity to prompt willpower: Feeling more creative predicts subsequent activated positive affect and increased willpower in daily life. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts.

+Welch, K. A., *Brott, K. C. H., & Veilleux, J. C. (in press). Hovering or invalidating? Examining nuances in the associations between controlling parents and problematic outcomes for college students. Journal of American College Health.

Veilleux, J.C., *Warner, E. A., *Chamberlain, K. D., *Brott, K. H., *Schreiber, R. E., & *Clift, J. B. (2023). Contextual variation in beliefs about emotion and subsequent emotion regulation efforts. Motivation and Emotion, 47, 308-322. doi:

Veilleux, J. C. (2023). A theory of momentary distress tolerance: Toward understanding contextually situated choices to engage with or avoid distress. Clinical Psychological Science, 11(2), 357-380.

*Hill, M. A., +Heiland, A. M. & Veilleux, J. C. (2023). Giving in and feeling bad: The effect of justification on self-control failure and emotion. Current Psychology, 42, 6153-6163.

Veilleux, J. C., *Hyde, K. C., & *Clift, J. B. (2022). When is your distress harder to tolerate? A qualitative analysis of situations in which distress tolerance is impaired and strengthened. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 23, 85-91.

*Schreiber, R. E., & Veilleux, J. C. (2022). Perceived invalidation of emotion uniquely predicts affective distress: Implications for the role of interpersonal factors in emotional experience. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111191.

Veilleux, J. C., *Hyde, K. C.,*Chamberlain, K. D., *Higuera, D. E., *Schreiber, R. E., *Warner, E. A., & *Clift, J. B. (2022). The “thinking threshold”: A therapeutic concept guided by emotion regulation flexibility. Practice Innovations, 7(1), 28-39. [download preprint here]

*Schreiber, R. E., & Veilleux, J. C. (2022). The self-invalidation due to emotion scale (SIDES): Development and psychometric properties. Psychological Assessment, 34(10), 937-951.

+Heiland, A. M. & Veilleux, J. C. (2022). Because you had a bad day: The role of negative affect and justification in self-control failure. Cognition & Emotion, 36(5), 912-927.

Veilleux, J. C., *Chamberlain, K. D., *Baker, D. E., & *Warner, E. A. (2021). Disentangling beliefs about emotions from emotion schemas. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77(4), 1068-1089. [download preprint here]

+Heiland, A. M. & Veilleux, J. C. (2021). Severity of personality dysfunction predicts affect and self-efficacy in daily life. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 12(6), 560-569. [download preprint here]

*Warner, E. A., Hernandez, T., & Veilleux, J. C. (2021). Examining facets of mindfulness in the relationship between invalidating childhood environments and emotion regulation. Psychological Reports, 124(3), 1134-1149. doi:

Veilleux, J. C., *Skinner, K. D., *Chamberlain, K. D., & *Baker, D. E. (2021). Perceived willpower self-efficacy fluctuations dynamically with affect and distress intolerance. Journal of Research in Personality, 90, 104058.  [download preprint here]

Veilleux, J. C., *Pollert, G. A., *Skinner, K. D., *Chamberlain, K. D., *Baker, D. E., & *Hill, M. A. (2021). Individual beliefs about emotion and perceptions of belief stability are associated with symptoms of psychopathology and emotional processes. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 110541.

Veilleux, J. C., *Warner, E. A., *Baker, D. E., & *Chamberlain, K. D. (20). Beliefs about emotion shift dynamically alongside momentary affect. Journal of Personality Disorders, 35(Supplement A), 83-113. [download preprint of article here.]

Veilleux, J. C. & *Skinner, K. D. (2020). Differences in distress tolerance among daily and intermittent smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 22(10), 1867-1874. . doi:

Veilleux, J. C., Lankford, N. M., Hill, M. A., Skinner, K. D., Chamberlain, K. D., Baker, D. E., & Pollert, G. A. (2020). Affect balance predicts daily emotional experience. Personality and Individual Differences, 154, e 109683.

Veilleux, J. C., Caldwell, A. R., Johnson, E. C., Kavouras, S., McDermott, B. P., & Ganio, M. S. (2020). Examining the links between hydration knowledge, attitudes and behavior. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(3), 991-1000. [Download copy of article here][Measures and scoring available here]

Veilleux, J. C. (2019). The relationship between distress tolerance and cigarette smoking: A review and synthesis. Clinical Psychology Review, 71, 78-89. [Download copy of article here]

Veilleux, J. C., Pollert, G. A., Zielinski, M. J., Shaver, J. A., & Hill, M.A. (2019). Behavioral assessment of the negative emotion aspect of distress tolerance: Tolerance to emotional images. Assessment, 26, 386-403.

Veilleux, J. C., *Zielinski, M. J., Moyen, N. E., Tucker, M. A., Dougherty, E. K., & Ganio, M. S. (2018). The effects of passive heat stress on self-reported distress and a behavioral index of self-control in smokers and non-smokers. Journal of General Psychology, 145, 342-361. doi: 10.1080/00221309.2018.1494127.

Veilleux, J. C., *Hill, M. A., *Skinner, K. D., *Pollert, G. A., *Spero, K. D., & *Baker, D. E. (2018).  Self-control challenge scenarios in daily life: Developing a taxonomy of goals and temptations.  Motivation & Emotion, 42, 653-670. [Download copy of article here]

Veilleux, J. C., *Hill, M. A., *Skinner, K. D., *Pollert, G. A., *Baker, D. E. & *Spero, K. D. (2018).  The dynamics of persisting through distress: Development of a momentary distress intolerance scale using ecological momentary assessment. Psychological Assessment, 30, 1468-1478. doi: 10.1037/pas0000593  [Download copy of article here].

Zielinski, M. J., & Veilleux, J. C. (2018). The Perceived Invalidation of Emotion Scale (PIES): Development and psychometric properties of a novel measure of current emotion invalidation. Psychological Assessment, 30, 1454-1467. doi: 10.1037/pas0000584

Veilleux, J. C., *Pollert, G. A., *Zielinski, M. J., *Shaver, J. A., & +Hill, M.A. (in press). Behavioral assessment of the negative emotion aspect of distress tolerance: Tolerance to emotional images. Assessment. [Download copy of article here]

*Pollert, G. A., & Veilleux, J. C. (2018). Attentional bias is more predictive of eating behavior after self-control exertion. Eating Behaviors, 29, 25-27. doi:

Zielinski, M. J., Hill, M. A., & Veilleux, J. C. (2018). Is the first cut really the deepest? Frequency and recency of non-suicidal self-injury as predictors of psychopathology and dysregulation. Psychiatry Research, 259, 392-397. doi:

*Skinner, K. D., Rojas, S., & Veilleux, J. C. (2017). Connecting eating pathology with risk for engaging in suicidal behavior: The mediating role of experiential avoidance. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behaviors, 47, 3-13. doi: 10.1111/sltb.12249

Veilleux, J. C., & Bilsky, S. A. (2016). After a client death: Suicide postvention recommendations for training programs and clinics. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 10, 214-222. doi:

Veilleux, J. C., *Skinner, K. D., & *Pollert, G. A. (2016). Quit interest influences smoking cue-reactivity. Addictive Behaviors, 63, 137-140. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.07.017

*Skinner, K. D., & Veilleux, J. C. (2016). The interactive effects of drinking motives, age, and self-criticism in predicting hazardous drinking.  Substance Use and Misuse, 51, 1342-1352doi: 10.3109/10826084.2016.1168448

*Pollert, G. A., +Kauffman, A. A., & Veilleux, J. C., (2016). Symptoms of psychopathology within groups of eating disordered, restrained eating, and non-eating disordered individuals.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 72, 621-632. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22283

Veilleux, J. C., & *Skinner, K. D. (2016). Introspective responses to cues and motivation to reduce cigarette smoking influence state and behavioral responses to cue exposureAddictive Behaviors, 60, 103-108. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.04.002

+Reese, E. D. & Veilleux, J. C. (2016). Relationships between craving beliefs and abstinence self-efficacy are mediated by smoking motives and moderated by nicotine dependence. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18, 48-55. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntv054

+Reese, E. D., *Pollert, G. A., & Veilleux, J. C.  (2016). Self-regulatory predictors of binge eating: Understanding the contributions of action control and willpower beliefs. Eating Behaviors, 20, 64-69. doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2015.11.005

Veilleux, J. C., & *Skinner, K. D. (2015).  Smoking, alcohol and food cues on subsequent behavior: A qualitative systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 36, 13-27. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2015.01.001

Veilleux, J. C., +Salomaa, A. C., *Shaver, J. A., *Zielinski, M. J., & *Pollert, G. A. (2015). Multidimensional assessment of beliefs about emotion: Development and validation of the Emotion and Regulation Beliefs Scale. Assessment, 22, 86-100. doi: 10.1177/1073191114534883

+Reese, E. D., *Zielinski, M. J., & Veilleux, J. C. (2015). Facets of mindfulness mediate behavioral inhibition systems and emotion dysregulation. Personality and Individual Differences, 72, 41-46. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.08.008

*Zielinski, M. J., & Veilleux, J. C. (2014). Examining the relation between borderline personality features and social support: The mediating role of rejection sensitivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 235-238. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.07.005

Veilleux, J. C., +Skinner, K. D., +Reese, E. D., & *Shaver, J. A. (2014).  Affect intensity, emotion dysregulation and drinking to cope in college students and non-college adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 59, 96-101. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2013.11.012

*Shaver, J. A., Veilleux, J. C., & Ham, L. S. (2013). Meta-emotions as predictors of drinking to cope: A comparison of competing models. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27, 1019-1026. doi: 10.1037/a0033999.