TEMPT in St. Louis!
TEMPT lab represents at the Society for Research in Psychopathology conference in September 2023! Dr. V really isn’t sure what is going on here, but she sure does love this goofy photo that shows off our sense of humor!

Holiday Party Fall 2022!
Lab holiday party Fall 2022!! Everyone in their “bitchy” question hats!

Celebrating together!
Jeremy, Kayce, Elise, Dr. V, and Regina pose for a picture at a fellow grad student’s lovely wedding celebration.

Socially distanced TEMPTers!
Here’s how the TEMPT lab socially distances during our outdoor Fall 2021 lab party!

Nothing says TEMPTation like an apple, right? Dr. Veilleux has the apple and everyone wants it!

Grad Student Rock Band?
This is what the album cover would be if Elise, Danielle and Kaitlyn were in a rock band.

Tiny Hands R Us!
We have a weird love of tiny hands in the TEMPT lab. Look how many of them are in this picture! (We know we’re weird, and we’re proud of it.)

Wigs and Spray paint?
Pandemic-style TEMPT gathering involved spray paint, takeout and playing with the multitude of wigs Dr. V has in her basement.

Austin Squires, Summa Cum Laude
It’s a horrible picture of Dr. V, but great to celebrate Austin graduating Summa Cum Laude in May of 2019!

Dr. V and Bri
Bri helped Dr. V by serving as her teaching assistant for the intensive two week stats class in May of 2019. Thanks, Bri!!

ASPS April 2019
Bri, Ally and Katie at the Arkansas Symposium for Psychology Students in April 2019, after Ally presented her work!

Lizzie Reimer, Summa Cum Laude
Lizzie Reimer graduated Summa Cum Laude….and also was awarded a Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Grant to continue her honors work!

Senior of Significance!
Lizzie Reimer was selected as one of the 2019 Seniors of Significance. Go Lizzie!!!

Dr. Pollert
Dr. Garrett Pollert finishing his PhD and heading off to a tenure-track job at Western Illinois University. Congrats, Garrett!

Presenting Dr. Skinner
Kayla was in Dr. V’s first undergraduate course in the Fall of 2011, worked in the lab throughout undergrad and then stayed for grad school. Now she’s got her PhD…go Kayla!

Lab Holiday Party!
Lab holiday party at Dr. V’s house, where we all try to convey a different emotion.