20160511_160853Many congratulations to Dr. Melissa Zielinski, who successfully defended her dissertation in May of 2016, a few days before the graduation ceremony.  Melissa will be staying on at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences (UAMS) for a two year T32-funded postdoc.  Melissa also was  accepted to an National Instutite of Drug Abuse (NIDA)-funded program through Brown University that ss designed to promote training in HIV, substance use, and associated comorbidities among justice-involved individuals:  http://www.prisonerhealth.org/educational-resources/cjrt-program/  This program will give her several paid training opportunities and up to $15K in pilot funding for research.  Melissa was also the first adult track intern ever to be awarded the Outstanding Intern Award at UAMS.  Congratulations on all your accomplishments, Melissa!!!