by jcveille | Jan 26, 2024 | News
Welcome to the new TEMPT RAs for Spring 2024! Joining veterans Bree, Caroline, Bentley, Emme, and Katie we now have Gabrielle, Ella, Jackson, Sara, Grey, and Mackenzie! Glad to have you all aboard! (And many THANKS to outgoing RAs Ethan, Jadyn, Jansen, and Kenzi who...
by jcveille | Nov 21, 2023 | News
Dr. Veilleux was recently awarded the Academician of the Year from the Arkansas Psychological Association, and Regina Schreiber was awarded Graduate Student of the Year. Congrats, Dr. Veilleux and Regina! Way to represent!
by jcveille | Oct 16, 2023 | News
The biggest TEMPT lab conference representation ever at the Society for Research on Psychopathology in St. Louis! Never before has TEMPT had *twelve* student presentations at one conference. Back row: Jeremy, Hannah, Caitlin, Dr. V, Regina, Kayce (who came down from...
by jcveille | Sep 13, 2023 | News
Doctoral student Kayce Hyde Brott defended her dissertation, “A Brief Values-Based Intervention for Increasing Distress Tolerance in Overcontrol” on Friday August 25th. Her project was a lab-based project that involved an experimental manipulation using a...
by jcveille | Aug 7, 2023 | News
In July, recent TEMPT alum Dr. Danielle Higuera defended her dissertation entitled “Components of emotional functioning among people with substance use and post-traumatic stress difficulties: An idiographic perspective.” Her project involved interviewing...
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