Presentations (Last 5 Years)
+ denotes undergraduate LEAP student
* denotes graduate LEAP student
Veilleux, J. C., *Schreiber, R. E., *Brott, K. H., *Clift, J. B., *Shelton, D. K., *Warner, E. A., & *Henderson, H. M. (2023, March). A new theory of emotion regulation flexibility: Balancing strategies and motives. Oral “flash talk” presented at the Society for Affective Science annual conference, Long Beach, CA.
*Shelton, D. K., & Veilleux, J. C. (2023, March). Heat of the moment: Desire intolerance predicts momentary assessment of emotion-related impulsivity. Poster presented at the Society for Affective Science annual conference, Long Beach, CA.
+Dina, C. P., & Veilleux, J. C. (2023, March). Daily declines : How willpower and affect shift throughout the day. Poster presented at the Society for Affective Science annual conference, Long Beach, CA.
Veilleux, J. C., Higuera, D., Chamberlain, K. D., & Skinner, K. D. (2022, May). The implications of desire intolerance for impulsivity and symptoms of psychopathology. Talk orally presented at the annual convention for the Association of Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
*Brott, K. C., & Veilleux, J. C. (2022, November). Examining contextual factors of hopelessness and suicidal ideation. Poster presented at the Suicide and Self Injury Special Interest Group (SIG) at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual conference, New York, NY.
*Clift, J. B. & Veilleux, J. C. (2022, November). Symptoms of anxiety and depression impact momentary action urges and subsequent impulsive actions in daily life. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual conference, New York, NY.
*Warner, E. A. & Veilleux, J. C. (2022, November). Research implications of charting the dynamics of recent emotional episodes. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual conference, New York, NY.
+Dennis, E. Q. & Veilleux, J. C. (2022, November). Cognitive impulsivity and self-criticism as predictors of affect intensity and affect lability in daily life. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual conference, New York, NY.
Veilleux, J. C., *Clift, J. B., *Brott, K. H., *Schreiber, R. E., & *Warner, E. A. (2022, May). I’m so dumb and worthless right now: Contextual variation in momentary self-criticism. Talk orally presented at the annual convention for the Association of Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
Veilleux, J. C. (2022, May). How do I hate myself? Let me count the ways: Novel approaches to understanding the negative consequences of self-criticism. Symposium chaired at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
*Brott, K. H., *Warner, E. A., & Veilleux, J. C. (2022, May). Implications of believing your emotions are different from others and that emotions last forever. Talk orally presented at the annual convention for the Association of Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
*Schreiber, R. & Veilleux, J. C. (2022, May). Self-invalidation due to emotion as a general and momentary predictor of distress, problematic coping, and self- and perceived- judgements. Talk orally presented at the annual convention for the Association of Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
.+Frala, H., & Veilleux, J. C. (2022, May). Scrolling through Instagram at a party to avoid feeling anxious: How people use social media to regulate their emotions. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science annual conference, Chicago, IL.
+Shaver, D., & Veilleux, J. C. (2022, February). It’s not you, it’s me: Relationship conflict, self-criticism, and emotion regulation. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual conference, San Fransisco, CA.
Veilleux, J. C., Skinner, K D., *Warner, E.A., *Baker, D. E., & *Chamberlain, K. D. (2020, May). The momentary relationships between perceived willpower, affect, and distress intolerance. Oral invited presentation at the Insights Conference: Research from Daily Life hosted by LifeData, conducted via Zoom.
+Heiland, A. M., & Veilleux, J. C. (2020, February). Because you had a bad day: The role of negative affect and justification in self-control failure. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA. Finalist for the 2020 SPSP Undergraduate Poster Competition.
+Shaver, D., *Warner, E. A., & Veilleux, J. C. (2020, February). Emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between beliefs about willpower and both depression and alcohol use. Poster presented at the emotion preconference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
+Hoogerwerf, R. N., *Baker, D. E., *Chamberlain, K. D., & Veilleux, J. C. (2020, February). Parenting styles and post-traumatic stress symptoms: A relationship mediated by mindfulness. Poster to be presented at the emotion preconference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
*Baker, D. E., & Veilleux, J. C. (2020, February). Justify my love (of pizza): The influence of desire terminology and goal focus on justification to indulge. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Veilleux, J. C., *Skinner, K. D., *Hill, M. A., *Spero, K. D., *Baker, D. E. (2019, February). Momentary affect predicts fluctuations in self-reported state willpower. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.
+Reimer-Adams, E., & Veilleux, J. C. (2020, February). Beyond just religious: Prosperity doctrine beliefs predict stigma toward mental illness. Oral presentation to be presented at the Spirituality Preconference of the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Veilleux, J. C., +Praseuth, A., *Pollert, G. A., *Hill, M. A., *Skinner, K. D., *Baker, D. E., & *Spero, K. D. (2018). The complex relationships between beliefs about emotion and depressive symptoms. Talk given at the annual conference of the Association for Psychological Science, San Fransisco, CA.
*Baker, D. E. & Veilleux, J. C. (2019, February). The influence of want vs need self-talk on self-control in a temptation situation. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.
*Chamberlain, K. D., & Veilleux, J. C. (2019, February). Dismantling a commonly used emotion regulation strategy: Opposite to emotion action. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.
*Hill, M. A., & Veilleux, J. C. (2018, May). Don’t fight it, justify it: Justification facilitates self-control failure. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
+Squires, A. & Veilleux, J. C. (2018, May). Nicotine dependence predicts abstinence self-efficacy via perceived consequences of smoking while moderated by length of most recent quit attempt. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
+Lankford, N. M., & Veilleux, J. C. (2017, May). Affecting how you feel: Individual differences in affect balance predict emotions in daily life. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.
+Collins, A. C., *Hill, M. A. & Veilleux, J.C. (2017, May). How intolerance of uncertainty and emotional reactivity link trait anhedonia and suicidality. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.