Back Row: Hannah, Jeremy, Ethan, Bree, Caroline, Jansen, Dylan, Kenzi. Down in Front: Caitlin, Bentley, Katie, Emme, & Regina (Not pictured: Dr. V)
Dr. Veilleux will be reviewing applications for Fall 2024. Please look at the Join as a Grad Student page for more information.
The Treating Emotion and Motivational Processes (TEMPT) laboratory at the University of Arkansas is directed by Dr. Jennifer Veilleux. We used to be called the LEAP lab (Laboratory for Emotion and Addictive Processes) but recently changed our name to reflect the broader interests we study. We are all interested in emotion and self-regulation, and Dr. Veilleux is particularly interested in understanding distress tolerance and the role of beliefs about emotion both helping and harming emotional experience and emotion regulation efforts. Some of our work (though not all!) focuses on the application of emotion and self-regulation processes to risk behaviors, including substance misuse (e.g., smoking, binge drinking), and other patterned behavioral outcomes associated with impulsivity, emotion dysregulation, and lack of self-control (e.g., binge eating, non suicidal self-injury, sexual compulsivity).